Latest clan applications
Date Clan Status View
17.04.2018 17:37 Team of Veterans Respins / Rejected View
06.12.2017 19:05 Team of Veterans Respins / Rejected View
04.02.2017 11:40 AIM Acceptat / Accepted View
24.09.2016 15:30 Team of Veterans Invitat / Invited View
Latest Clan logs
Date Owner Clan Action
21.04.2017 13:13 AdmBot AIM Left the clan
16.04.2017 17:36 AdmBot AIM Got rank 6
16.04.2017 17:36 AdmBot AIM Joined the clan
16.04.2017 17:35 AdmBot AIM Left the clan
16.04.2017 17:34 AdmBot AIM Joined the clan
16.04.2017 17:34 AdmBot AIM Left the clan
01.04.2017 20:35 AdmBot AIM Received a CW clear
01.04.2017 20:35 AdmBot AIM Received a CW clear
01.04.2017 20:35 AdmBot AIM Received ClanWarn
01.04.2017 20:35 AdmBot AIM Received ClanWarn
03.03.2017 20:43 AdmBot AIM Received a CW clear
03.03.2017 20:42 AdmBot AIM Received a CW clear
03.03.2017 20:42 AdmBot AIM Received ClanWarn
03.03.2017 20:42 AdmBot AIM Received ClanWarn
04.02.2017 13:06 AdmBot AIM Got rank 6