
San Fierro Police Department
Date Leader Player Action Reason
10.11.2023 17:38 smoek Failed the test None
09.11.2023 22:01 LucK. Failed the test None
09.11.2023 21:42 Salam Failed the test None
09.11.2023 19:14 Stefanutz36 Failed the test None
09.11.2023 17:09 [AIM]_ZED_ Received FactionWarn /d aiurea, reclamatie pm
08.11.2023 13:13 KimbaI Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
08.11.2023 07:34 AnaMaria Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
07.11.2023 21:38 UZZi.. Received a FW clear Comportament adecvat
07.11.2023 08:47 Thorpila Got rank 2 indeplineste conditiile
05.11.2023 21:16 GEORGEZ. Got rank 4 Felicitari
03.11.2023 23:49 FaniX Failed the test None
03.11.2023 21:10 JustWhite Failed the test None
03.11.2023 07:56 Dulapp Received FactionWarn Reclamatie PM
02.11.2023 18:53 NaikoN_ Received a FW clear expirat
01.11.2023 20:38 Dulapp Received FactionWarn Statistica Lunara