
Green Street Bloods
Date Leader Player Action Reason
17.11.2023 21:48 EdwardVELOCE Was kicked out (3 warns) Neplata amenda 48h
17.11.2023 21:48 EdwardVELOCE Received FactionWarn Absent 1/1 Wars 17/11/2023
17.11.2023 15:38 IuliaSkR Got rank 2 Felicitări, activă și serioasă!
17.11.2023 15:36 Adrian.N Got rank 2 Felicitări, Adrian!
16.11.2023 23:48 .Eden Joined the faction None
16.11.2023 23:09 Gabii_AIM_REGELE Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
16.11.2023 21:50 Smash. Joined the faction None
16.11.2023 21:11 Reyd.VaRup Joined the faction None
16.11.2023 20:31 ShumperTBagVDTinHQ Joined the faction None
16.11.2023 20:25 KroG Joined the faction None
15.11.2023 10:56 Twain Received FactionWarn Reclamatie PM
14.11.2023 22:05 Faraonul Received FactionWarn Acumulare x2 AV
14.11.2023 21:49 Shade Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
14.11.2023 21:45 zidescGSBspre24 Received FactionWarn Absent 2/2 Wars 14/11/2023
14.11.2023 21:45 EdwardVELOCE Received FactionWarn Absent 2/2 Wars 14/11/2023