Interventie admini LCS/LMS
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Sondaj creat pentru a afla parerea jucatorilor daca doresc ca adminii sa intervina in continuare la aceste evenimente si sa se asigure ca nu se face team, nu se joaca pasiv SAU daca doresc sa nu mai intervina si sa isi faca jucatorii ce fel de strategii doresc (adminii vor interveni indiferent in cazul codatilor).
This poll was created to find out the player's opinion if the admins should keep intervening with these events to make sure players don't team up, don't play passively OR if they shouldn't intervene and let players make up their own strategies (admins will still intervene for cheaters).
Doriti ca adminii sa continue intervina in evenimentele de tip LCS/LMS (citeste descrierea sondajului mai intai)? // Do you want admins to keep intervening for LCS/LMS events (read the poll description first)?
Doresc sa intervina // I want them to intervene : Dya, BorisJohnson, Delgado, sijeiul, FireFly, OdiiN, MosTWanteD, .AndreiM, [AIM]Mario, TheTom, Krom, NaCl, Trustica, Alessio, DonRolly, RoGvAiV, raul1275, BASTARDO.SFSUWI, Deagle, Udit, Eko[Legend], Methedrone, Hamed., Sir.Honnan, deivid1, Mike, Radius14.vus, Grecu.Uraganu, DRACU, Oze, [AIM]Elvis35, EduardOwn[Legend], mushrooma, Morar_David, GOGU.INTERVENTIA, .whoDani, Andblue, Ezk, Jelo, [RMS]Mihai, Don.Diablo, Chillex, Nackt, Ale[K]s., Tiramisu.SILENT, ControL., Ovidiu., Omerta, Jiuu, dembouz, BladeV, cranken.URAGANU, WalterWhite, Federal, Eduard.., Surprized, FacTOTsiNefiS, CsT, EVO, .Ady, BloodyAcapulco, .Alex, BaTman, CalulDeMont, Sonny, TeroareaMultora, .JohnnyNebunu, athos24., Duffy, Kedows, SelenaGomez, WARSTEiN47, [AIM]SaRtOR, Sabre, SirMarioCAPYBARA, GarfIeLD, .David, zunnyFURY, [test]GUTUIE, Noreo, Aditzu.NSA, Mos.Craciun, OpriShh, Wilder, TedMosby, Valik, Dani1120, DanDlaconescu.OTV, Dextroy., Slark, George2002, Andrei[Legend], .SnoWdeN., ReplayNo., MihaY.Gunit, Zamolxis, Baha_F_B_Z, FrankieWilde, UHTRED, Wexler, .SyT., LorenaRx, WetRoads., Zeom, .CristyanN, SeiF., .serpeNT, PaKyO22, Agentdarius, Costin., Gimy.FLV, iplaylols, Jedai, Mareean.Drill, Ghost.., [AIM]WRC., Spiridus, Danyel_Svd, FaNe, CataIin47, Pepegard, Markingineru, PabloEmilioEscobar, Ele_Elegant, BlueColors05, robii, HancKs., DeiuS, Vladut., Marian., .Sobranie, _lorenzo69_, Dr.Rubinho, hesv, PauuL, Syax., KenShy, WetMedic., Treasure, Sokar_1337, MOSMoSaNel, Roberte, Ramona, .Andi, Valensia987, MOGHiSTAPPEN, Leguma., Danny_energie, b[o]gdi, bbomber83, Typhoon, MrJelly, Mihai, RydenN, bwertyro, Nikola_Jokic, Raul.SILENT, TheShadow, lRomeo, OneSh0T, geov2.3ss, Staicu, DerekRegepeDeagle, iKreefy, Kreefy@, .J0KeR., _DeNiS_45, _ANDREE@_, Sckuasy.FAKEPOLICE, KryptonN, [420]dRE, Trebor., Medievh, Alucard, dRg, Trip, mR.zEw, puyanegru, Dr[a]gos, OVERLOS, woodeN, Haladit, [AIM]Scooby69, FramLaResistance, Valentinnn., Rami, Miguloasi, Ciobi98, Nicu.rtv, Ahmed., Amandina.SILENT, GreeN.., InTeNsiV.SENPAI, Criss., Ale[K]s.1, Ale[K]s.2, Ale[K]s.3, Ale[K]s.4, Ale[K]s.5, Ale[K]s.6, Ale[K]s.7, PokerMeisteR, Agares, WooZyE, TheWeeknd, StefanBanica, Quxar, RobbDen., SoBiG2GLORY, WRC, Cosmin[FAKETAXI], Teylo, Draco.JR, ilie, Gty., Tule., Emy, iSwitcH., DeviL, Inner.Fear[GF]
Nu doresc sa intervina // I dont want them to intervene : HooligaN[A.C.A.B], Vladimir.Putin, Telecom, GaBBlue, Molldo, Johnny, Spark, Juvinho, bauache, Chandler, ROBBEN, Argent., LiKeE, AndreiPN, Pant1limon, [AIM]kazuto, Edu, GaBBIue, edainSS, Done, Ionut._, Jackus, Fr4nK., Ninesson, Leonidas, keNNeDy, Arthur.S, SorinST, Ryo., Spike, Chevy, Plutonium, BlackHawk, St4cky, Kendrick, qTommy.Rockefeller, .AkU, IamGold., [AIM]slvking, Camac., AlexV3.6, Gunnter, Krogen, IvanFPS, [AIM]HouR, Zum, RGrimes, Horhi, Pinti, keztrapstar, Irina, Hendel, Cr0NeX, Blaskowitz, Hezail.ELCHAPO, EusebiuSentyment, N.Catalin, Dr.Prototype, Ferrero, kiwo, Hawktor, H0ras, TianDauPtMifu, Daret, Deivo, Gotze.GipsyKing, Urkelbama, JayJayJayJayJayJay, Buiu99, Fyzz, Andrei.13, Daniel, Termi,, frica.two, frica.three, frica.four, frica.five, frica.six,, frica.eight, frica.nine, [test]dLs, zEk0., Sneeky2K, Donatelli, InfernalGuess, Cr1steaTheLEGEND, Ryz, Ripper, ArmandoTiganu, PudraMentolata, CosminTHEGOD, hasbulah, AlexSukehiro, [iK]Rustom, Claudiuuu, SpeedySS, AgentNikolas, danny21jet$ki, [AIM]Darksone, .HR3AN, Phil.Rockefeller, DragonMyr, iLuSi0N., DropZZ, Bulaie, Jolly, Giogio, axi.schweini, Zolomon, Paul_, [Deea]Shakira, pacst, Sparros, FROG, HutsoN, imblaze69, kevlarinho, MorFineL, iBroWn, macabru, VISA, T3do, DeiuHr., Fabian.Shunk, _Alin, Mariuka, Beebita, A1rgWn, Hyperion, Vladyyyyy, Ezeq, Edward_NissaN, AkaSKY, hassen, Kimball, s0ft., inesLUKAKU, zkyVedetaPeBanList, Jomes, Frank_Capone, Junkye03, Tiblerone, [AIM]Claude
Poll created by: [AIM]Kelton
Minimum level: 5
Minimum hours: 15
Voters group: All players