Faction logs
Date Leader Faction Action Reason
03.09.2016 22:57 Hitmen Agency Joined the faction None
30.08.2016 23:22 FBI Was kicked out (with FP) Comentarii pe [/r].
26.08.2016 17:12 FBI Received FactionWarn Reclamatie website.
20.08.2016 00:11 FBI Received FactionWarn Wanted aiurea.
18.08.2016 01:48 FBI Joined the faction None
17.08.2016 00:46 Hitmen Agency Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
14.08.2016 12:09 Hitmen Agency Received FactionWarn Absent la sedint
23.07.2016 18:37 Hitmen Agency Got rank 2 Felicit
08.07.2016 22:07 Hitmen Agency Joined the faction None
06.07.2016 14:00 FBI Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
21.06.2016 14:21 FBI Received FactionWarn Reclamatie website.
17.06.2016 20:37 FBI Received FactionWarn Absenta activitate.
04.06.2016 23:57 FBI Joined the faction None