Faction logs
Date Leader Faction Action Reason
23.10.2016 17:31 LS School Instructors Joined the faction None
22.10.2016 20:36 69 Pier Mobs Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
22.10.2016 20:35 69 Pier Mobs Received FactionWarn Reclamatie Website
21.10.2016 22:00 69 Pier Mobs Received FactionWarn Neascultare sublider!
08.10.2016 14:34 69 Pier Mobs Joined the faction None
08.10.2016 14:25 Vietnamese Boys Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
04.10.2016 20:55 Vietnamese Boys Got rank 2 Felicitari.
20.09.2016 20:12 Vietnamese Boys Joined the faction None
20.09.2016 19:43 National Guard Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
20.09.2016 14:42 National Guard Received a FW clear Ai grija pe viitor.
05.09.2016 20:15 National Guard Received FactionWarn Absent sedinta/activitate.
21.08.2016 15:11 National Guard Got rank 3 Ai indeplinit cerintele.
31.07.2016 15:06 National Guard Got rank 2 Felicitari!
17.07.2016 12:41
National Guard Joined the faction None
15.07.2016 17:38 SFPD Left the faction Demisie / Resignation