Faction logs
Date Leader Faction Action Reason
07.01.2019 18:36 Vietnamese Boys Was kicked out (3 warns) Reclamatie, limbaj.
07.01.2019 18:36 Vietnamese Boys Received FactionWarn Reclamatie, limbaj.
07.01.2019 18:36 Vietnamese Boys Received FactionWarn Reclamatie, limbaj.
03.01.2019 21:57 Vietnamese Boys Got rank 2 Felicitari!
19.12.2018 21:08 Vietnamese Boys Got rank 1 Renuntare ms de ajutor.
10.12.2018 21:13 Vietnamese Boys Got rank 6 Felicitari #KIA 1K Subs
10.12.2018 19:45 Vietnamese Boys Joined the faction None
28.11.2018 10:23
Green Street Bloods Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
22.11.2018 19:41
Green Street Bloods Got rank 2 Felicitari, Eve! #KIA
08.11.2018 16:41 Green Street Bloods Joined the faction None
02.04.2018 14:40 SF Taxi Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
27.03.2018 14:02 SF Taxi Got rank 4
05.03.2018 18:19 SF Taxi Got rank 3 Indeplinirea cerintelor.
19.02.2018 16:24 SF Taxi Got rank 2 Indeplinirea cerintelor.
05.02.2018 15:35 SF Taxi Joined the faction None