Faction logs
Date Leader Faction Action Reason
14.09.2016 20:58 LS School Instructors Got rank 6 Mana stanga.
14.09.2016 20:53 LS School Instructors Joined the faction None
14.09.2016 20:47 Green Street Bloods Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
25.08.2016 12:54 Green Street Bloods Got rank 2 Felicitari !
11.08.2016 12:44 Green Street Bloods Joined the faction None
09.08.2016 15:42 LV School Instructors Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
05.08.2016 16:23 LV School Instructors Got rank 4 Comportament exemplar
13.07.2016 23:16 LV School Instructors Got rank 3 Activitate
29.06.2016 22:41 LV School Instructors Got rank 2 Felicitari
19.06.2016 13:18 LV School Instructors Received a FW clear Ai grija pe viitor
11.06.2016 19:43 LV School Instructors Received FactionWarn Accept sub 3secunde
08.06.2016 22:36 LV School Instructors Joined the faction None