Faction logs
Date Leader Faction Action Reason
12.02.2018 20:12 Paramedics Got rank 2 Felicitari!
29.01.2018 18:36 Paramedics Joined the faction None
26.01.2018 21:32 LVPD Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
26.01.2018 21:32 LVPD Received FactionWarn Reclamatie #42151
11.01.2018 11:31 LVPD Got rank 3 Felicitari sergent!
10.01.2018 14:33 LVPD Received a FW clear Seriozitate&Activitate
18.12.2017 17:10 LVPD Received FactionWarn Raport incomplet (43/50)
06.12.2017 22:17 LVPD Received a FW clear Activitate&Comportament
06.12.2017 22:15 LVPD Got rank 2 Felicitari detectivule!
15.11.2017 20:43 LVPD Received FactionWarn Reclamatie #39857
08.11.2017 20:40 LVPD Joined the faction None
02.07.2017 19:12 LS School Instructors Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
27.06.2017 10:47 LS School Instructors Received a FW clear Ai grija pe viitor!
12.06.2017 15:17 LS School Instructors Received FactionWarn Raport neefectuat!
26.04.2017 18:08 LS School Instructors Got rank 5 Felicitari, LS Manager!