Faction logs
Date Leader Faction Action Reason
17.09.2018 21:21 LVPD Received FactionWarn Raport incomplet (8/40)
11.09.2018 20:47 LVPD Received a FW clear Mai atent pe viitor!
03.09.2018 11:55 LVPD Received FactionWarn Raport incomplet (4/40)
14.08.2018 12:17 LVPD Received FactionWarn Reclama?ie #46584
03.08.2018 18:38 LVPD Got rank 3 Felicitari!
13.07.2018 18:10 LVPD Got rank 2 Felicitari!
28.06.2018 13:54 LVPD Received a FW clear Mai atent pe viitor!
22.06.2018 09:59 LVPD Received a FW clear Serios&Activ
04.06.2018 18:43 LVPD Received FactionWarn Confiscate lvl 6
01.06.2018 09:15 LVPD Received FactionWarn Reclamatie #45081
31.05.2018 15:36 LVPD Joined the faction None
27.05.2018 17:36 SF School Instructors Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
27.05.2018 15:00 SF School Instructors Got rank 3 Congrats!
20.05.2018 19:54 SF School Instructors Received a FW clear Expired-Congrats!
06.05.2018 18:57 SF School Instructors Received FactionWarn Absent at activity