Faction logs
Date Leader Faction Action Reason
22.07.2019 20:07 LS Taxi Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
22.07.2019 00:18 LS Taxi Received FactionWarn Limbaj fata de sublider
07.07.2019 21:36 LS Taxi Got rank 3 Merita
01.07.2019 20:14 LS Taxi Received a FW clear Comportament adecvat
17.06.2019 20:11 LS Taxi Received FactionWarn Cearta pe /tx
09.06.2019 19:57 LS Taxi Got rank 2 Merita. Posibil sublider
26.05.2019 12:55 LS Taxi Joined the faction None
19.05.2019 17:26 Paramedics Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
19.05.2019 17:22 Paramedics Received FactionWarn Neascultare Rank superior
02.05.2019 22:22 Paramedics Got rank 4 Activa si fata devotata
11.04.2019 22:14 Paramedics Got rank 3 Felicitari #1000Points
28.03.2019 20:34 Paramedics Got rank 2 Foarte activa si serioasa !
14.03.2019 19:46 Paramedics Joined the faction None
28.02.2019 19:50 LS Taxi Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
25.01.2019 12:36 LS Taxi Got rank 5 Felicitari! Noul Supervisor