Faction logs
Date Leader Faction Action Reason
29.01.2017 22:07 69 Pier Mobs Joined the faction None
08.01.2017 17:34 SF School Instructors Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
08.01.2017 14:17 SF School Instructors Received FactionWarn Bad language (multi reports)
14.12.2016 22:42 SF School Instructors Joined the faction None
21.09.2016 20:55 SF School Instructors Was kicked out (with FP) Vulgar Language.
11.09.2016 16:35 SF School Instructors Joined the faction None
01.09.2016 13:52 Green Street Bloods Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
01.09.2016 13:34 Green Street Bloods Got rank 2 Timpul necesar, merita.
15.08.2016 18:15 Green Street Bloods Joined the faction None
14.08.2016 21:53 Avispa Rifa Was kicked out (with FP) Limbaj (reclamatie)
08.08.2016 23:27 Avispa Rifa Received FactionWarn Absent wars 08/08
07.08.2016 02:05 Avispa Rifa Joined the faction None
01.08.2016 14:42 The Tsar Bratva Was kicked out (3 warns) Neascultare lider, injurii
01.08.2016 14:32 The Tsar Bratva Received FactionWarn DM aiurea (PM)
01.08.2016 13:15 The Tsar Bratva Received FactionWarn IN HQ LA WAR