Faction logs
Date Leader Faction Action Reason
20.07.2023 17:42 Vietnamese Boys Was kicked out (3 warns) Neascultare lider
13.07.2023 20:44 Vietnamese Boys Received FactionWarn Fast C-Bug
07.07.2023 18:07 Vietnamese Boys Received FactionWarn Comportament fata de superiori
30.06.2023 22:46 Vietnamese Boys Got rank 4 Renuntare, felicitari!
16.06.2023 20:08 Vietnamese Boys Got rank 6 Felicitari
08.06.2023 22:20 Vietnamese Boys Received a FW clear Sanctiune expirata
18.05.2023 21:55 Vietnamese Boys Received FactionWarn Jignire coleg pe /f
18.05.2023 16:20 Vietnamese Boys Got rank 4 Felicitari, membru de elita!
18.04.2023 16:11 Vietnamese Boys Got rank 3 Felicitari
27.03.2023 19:31 Vietnamese Boys Got rank 2 Felicitari
12.03.2023 15:25 Vietnamese Boys Joined the faction None
10.01.2023 23:21 El Loco Cartel Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
26.12.2022 22:23 El Loco Cartel Got rank 6 Felicitari! Noul ajutor.
26.12.2022 22:23 El Loco Cartel Joined the faction None
15.10.2020 14:33 LS Taxi Was kicked out (3 warns) Banat.