Faction logs
Date Leader Faction Action Reason
28.04.2018 23:47 El Loco Cartel Was kicked out (3 warns) Inactivitate Neanuntata
28.04.2018 23:47 El Loco Cartel Received FactionWarn Inactivitate Neanuntata
23.04.2018 21:31 El Loco Cartel Got rank 4 Felicitari, Il meriti !
06.04.2018 20:59 El Loco Cartel Received FactionWarn Absenta war #9769
10.03.2018 08:49 El Loco Cartel Got rank 3 Felicitari, il meriti!
16.02.2018 12:43 El Loco Cartel Got rank 2 Felicitari, il meriti!!
01.02.2018 22:13 El Loco Cartel Got rank 1 Neefectuare minim de ore
28.01.2018 22:38 El Loco Cartel Received a FW clear Si-a invatat lectia
22.01.2018 18:38 El Loco Cartel Got rank 2 Activ, serios, felicitari!
07.01.2018 09:10 El Loco Cartel Received FactionWarn DM aiurea - Reclamatie
25.12.2017 16:23 El Loco Cartel Joined the faction None
25.02.2017 22:30
Red Dragon Triad Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
25.02.2017 14:29
Red Dragon Triad Received FactionWarn Absent 3/3 24.02.2017
24.02.2017 23:35
Red Dragon Triad Got rank 2 Seriozitate
08.02.2017 19:00 Red Dragon Triad Joined the faction None