Faction logs
Date Leader Faction Action Reason
16.04.2019 22:32 News Reporters Received a FW clear Good behavior.
01.04.2019 12:43 News Reporters Received FactionWarn Didn't made the newspaper.
22.03.2019 20:43 News Reporters Got rank 2 Congrutulations!
08.03.2019 16:27 News Reporters Joined the faction None
19.01.2019 14:54 Hitmen Agency Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
25.12.2018 19:23 Hitmen Agency Got rank 3 Congrats! #Santa #Claus
30.11.2018 08:15 N/A Hitmen Agency Got rank 2 Automatic Promotion
08.11.2018 14:32 Hitmen Agency Joined the faction None
03.11.2018 15:44 SF School Instructors Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
19.10.2018 22:02 SF School Instructors Received a FW clear Congratulations
09.10.2018 22:51 SF School Instructors Got rank 6 Congrats #Gift From Achref
05.10.2018 14:07 SF School Instructors Received FactionWarn Wrong License's Test
01.10.2018 15:01 SF School Instructors Got rank 3 Congratulations
16.09.2018 11:37 SF School Instructors Got rank 2 Congratulations
02.09.2018 11:25 SF School Instructors Joined the faction None