Faction logs
Date Leader Faction Action Reason
04.03.2023 01:05 Avispa Rifa Received a FW clear Are timpul minim.
10.02.2023 20:58 Avispa Rifa Received FactionWarn Adaugare martori aiurea
10.02.2023 17:58 Avispa Rifa Got rank 3 Activitate si seriozitate!
19.01.2023 17:39 Avispa Rifa Got rank 2 Activitate si seriozitate!
01.01.2023 17:29 Avispa Rifa Joined the faction None
01.01.2023 12:10 SFPD Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
01.01.2023 00:48 SFPD Got rank 5 indeplineste conditiile
06.12.2022 13:55 SFPD Received FactionWarn absenta nemotivata antrenament
29.10.2022 11:13 SFPD Got rank 4 indeplineste conditiile
28.09.2022 11:11 SFPD Got rank 3 indeplineste conditiile
05.09.2022 19:36 SFPD Got rank 2 indeplineste conditiile
21.08.2022 21:08 SFPD Joined the faction None
12.08.2022 23:01 LV School Instructors Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
09.08.2022 22:52 LV School Instructors Received FactionWarn Raportare coleg pe website
29.07.2022 23:47 LV School Instructors Got rank 3 Felicitari!