Faction logs
Date Leader Faction Action Reason
19.10.2016 19:56 National Guard Received a FW clear Are timpul
19.09.2016 08:21 National Guard Received FactionWarn Absenta antrenament.
01.09.2016 23:12 National Guard Got rank 3 Felicitari!
27.08.2016 09:08 National Guard Received a FW clear Nu a mai gresit.
27.07.2016 18:40 National Guard Received FactionWarn DM pe colegi
19.07.2016 15:36 National Guard Got rank 2 Felicitari!
05.07.2016 14:47 National Guard Joined the faction None
11.10.2015 21:40 N/A Avispa Rifa Left the faction Demisie
10.10.2015 01:05 N/A Avispa Rifa Received FactionWarn Neascultare ordin
10.10.2015 01:05 N/A Avispa Rifa Received FactionWarn Parasire zona war
26.09.2015 17:24 N/A Avispa Rifa Joined the faction None
26.09.2015 16:38 N/A SF School Instructors Left the faction Requested for resignation
24.09.2015 21:47 N/A SF School Instructors Got rank 3 Automatic Promotion
25.08.2015 18:48 N/A SF School Instructors Got rank 2 Active, Deserving.
01.08.2015 19:39 N/A SF School Instructors Joined the faction None