Faction logs
Date Leader Faction Action Reason
25.12.2017 12:55 LSPD Joined the faction None
09.04.2017 21:26 LSPD Resigned from leader None
06.04.2017 20:42 LSPD Received FactionWarn Neraspundere reclamatie in 48 o
25.02.2017 18:35 LSPD Received a FW clear sanctiune expirata
03.02.2017 11:16 LSPD Received FactionWarn Uninvite incorect.
02.01.2017 21:30 LSPD Received FactionWarn Nesanctionare membru
28.11.2016 00:44 LSPD Received a FW clear Mai multa atentie!
26.10.2016 00:12 LSPD Received FactionWarn Nesanctionare membru
11.05.2016 11:25 N/A LSPD Received a FW clear Indeplinirea cerintelor.
10.04.2016 17:38 N/A LSPD Received FactionWarn /uninvite incorect & nepostare
19.01.2016 10:51 N/A LSPD Got leader None
19.01.2016 10:51 N/A LVPD Left the faction Promovat lider LSPD.
18.01.2016 21:47 N/A LVPD Received a FW clear A indeplinit conditiile
13.01.2016 19:49 N/A LVPD Got rank 5 Retrogradare
04.01.2016 13:08 N/A LVPD Received FactionWarn Absent sedinta