Faction logs
Date Leader Faction Action Reason
04.04.2020 17:15 Green Street Bloods Joined the faction None
14.08.2019 10:24 Vietnamese Boys Was kicked out (with FP) Banat pentru Cheats(Aimbot)
09.08.2019 14:41 Vietnamese Boys Received FactionWarn Absenta WARS
07.08.2019 10:48 Vietnamese Boys Joined the faction None
05.08.2019 21:22 N/A LV Taxi Was kicked out (3 warns) Limbaj vulgar.
31.07.2019 20:14 N/A LV Taxi Received FactionWarn Absenta sedinta.
31.07.2019 00:17 N/A LV Taxi Received FactionWarn Dovezi test incomplete.
11.06.2019 13:18 LV Taxi Got rank 5 Felicitari! #LEGEND
06.06.2019 17:09 LV Taxi Received a FW clear Grija data viitoare.
19.05.2019 20:43 LV Taxi Received FactionWarn Test sustinut incorect.
26.04.2019 17:17 LV Taxi Got rank 4 Felicitari! #Tester
13.04.2019 20:41 LV Taxi Received a FW clear Mai multa atentie!
30.03.2019 19:07 LV Taxi Received FactionWarn Absent la sedinta.
22.03.2019 15:33 LV Taxi Got rank 3 Felicitari!
08.03.2019 13:47 LV Taxi Got rank 2 Felicitari!