Faction logs
Date Leader Faction Action Reason
05.03.2018 10:59 Paramedics Received FactionWarn Absent
23.02.2018 21:50 Paramedics Joined the faction None
19.02.2018 21:59 The Tsar Bratva Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
11.02.2018 17:24 The Tsar Bratva Got rank 3 Felicitari !
21.01.2018 15:01 The Tsar Bratva Got rank 2 Merita
06.01.2018 17:15 The Tsar Bratva Joined the faction None
05.01.2018 21:09 News Reporters Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
27.12.2017 12:33 News Reporters Received FactionWarn Plasare anunt dupa stop.
21.12.2017 23:03 News Reporters Joined the faction None
28.08.2017 13:23 Verdant Family Was kicked out (with FP) Banat pentru coduri.
14.08.2017 12:08 Verdant Family Received FactionWarn DM Aiurea(Reclamatie RPG).
12.08.2017 13:55 Verdant Family Joined the faction None
08.08.2017 19:17 SF School Instructors Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
06.08.2017 06:25 SF School Instructors Got rank 3 Active, Serious.
22.07.2017 19:43 SF School Instructors Got rank 2 Active, Serious