Faction logs
Date Leader Faction Action Reason
22.06.2016 11:54 Green Street Bloods Got rank 2 Timpul necesar, merita.
06.06.2016 18:40 Green Street Bloods Joined the faction None
23.04.2016 17:52 N/A Red Dragon Triad Was kicked out (3 warns) Inactiv mai mult de 3 zile.
15.04.2016 14:05 N/A Red Dragon Triad Received FactionWarn Absent war 14/04/2016.
07.04.2016 23:13 N/A Red Dragon Triad Received FactionWarn Neplata amenda.
04.04.2016 19:30 N/A Red Dragon Triad Joined the faction None
13.02.2016 00:36 N/A SF Taxi Left the faction Demisie, bafta mai departe!
27.12.2015 14:24 N/A SF Taxi Got rank 3 Felicitari, il merita.
10.12.2015 22:06 N/A SF Taxi Got rank 2 Felicitari, il merita.
25.11.2015 18:30 N/A SF Taxi Joined the faction None
25.07.2015 20:16 N/A News Reporters Was kicked out (3 warns) None
25.07.2015 20:16 N/A News Reporters Received FactionWarn None
25.07.2015 20:16 N/A News Reporters Received FactionWarn None
02.07.2015 12:59 N/A News Reporters Got rank 2 None
17.06.2015 15:23 N/A News Reporters Joined the faction None