Faction logs
Date Leader Faction Action Reason
07.12.2018 16:31 El Loco Cartel Joined the faction None
14.07.2018 23:07 Red Dragon Triad Resigned from leader None
11.07.2018 08:50 Red Dragon Triad Received FactionWarn did not answer his faction's a
07.07.2018 21:10 Red Dragon Triad Received FactionWarn Activitate slaba (iunie)
06.03.2018 21:32 Red Dragon Triad Got leader None
06.03.2018 21:32 Red Dragon Triad Left the faction promovare la lider
28.12.2017 18:50 Red Dragon Triad Got rank 6 Un Koala pentru bambus
14.12.2017 18:18 Red Dragon Triad Got rank 2 Merita #ROYAL
30.11.2017 17:19 Red Dragon Triad Joined the faction None
27.05.2017 22:35 Verdant Family Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
14.05.2017 22:33 Verdant Family Got rank 2 Activitate / Seriozitate
30.04.2017 22:27 Verdant Family Joined the faction None
08.01.2017 12:00 National Guard Was kicked out (3 warns) Inactivitate neanuntata
05.12.2016 23:53 National Guard Received FactionWarn Cearta cu colegii.
04.12.2016 14:53 National Guard Received FactionWarn Reclamatie RPG.