Faction logs
Date Leader Faction Action Reason
02.08.2022 23:31 LVPD Got rank 4 Felicitari, Lieutenant!
02.07.2022 18:28 LVPD Got rank 3 Felicitari, Sergeant!
11.06.2022 15:45 LVPD Got rank 2 Felicitari, FreeQQ!
28.05.2022 14:33 LVPD Joined the faction None
27.05.2022 13:25 Avispa Rifa Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
27.05.2022 08:30 Avispa Rifa Received FactionWarn Evidenta wars 26.05.2022
26.05.2022 22:29 Avispa Rifa Received FactionWarn Reclamatie website
12.05.2022 22:07 Avispa Rifa Got rank 3 Felicitari, om de baza!
18.04.2022 19:54 Avispa Rifa Got rank 2 Felicitari!
03.04.2022 19:52 Avispa Rifa Joined the faction None
20.04.2021 14:44 El Loco Cartel Was kicked out (with FP) Interdictie pe Codat[fakeRDT]
11.04.2021 12:34 El Loco Cartel Received a FW clear Expirat
09.04.2021 21:20 El Loco Cartel Received a FW clear Expirat
21.03.2021 12:23 El Loco Cartel Received FactionWarn Absent Sedinta
19.03.2021 21:07 El Loco Cartel Received FactionWarn Evidenta 19.03.2021