Faction logs
Date Leader Faction Action Reason
04.02.2017 14:03 Paramedics Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
26.01.2017 22:03 Paramedics Got rank 5 Felicit
12.12.2016 21:37 Paramedics Got rank 4 Activ, Serios, Om de baz
12.11.2016 18:46 Paramedics Got rank 3 Seriozitate si activitate
29.10.2016 17:54 Paramedics Got rank 2 Comportament adecvat
15.10.2016 16:33 Paramedics Joined the faction None
15.10.2016 15:27 Avispa Rifa Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
15.10.2016 14:44 Avispa Rifa Got rank 2 Are timpul. Felicitari!
01.10.2016 14:26 Avispa Rifa Joined the faction None
30.09.2016 21:41 Verdant Family Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
15.09.2016 22:12 Verdant Family Got rank 2 Timpul necesar, felicitari!
01.09.2016 20:51 Verdant Family Joined the faction None
23.08.2016 15:06 Avispa Rifa Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
15.08.2016 12:52 Avispa Rifa Received a FW clear E cuminte
08.08.2016 23:15 Avispa Rifa Got rank 5 Merita pe deplin, activitate!