Faction logs
Date Leader Faction Action Reason
12.03.2016 13:02 N/A Red Dragon Triad Received FactionWarn Neplata amenda.
03.03.2016 18:31 N/A Red Dragon Triad Joined the faction None
02.02.2016 21:36 N/A El Loco Cartel Was kicked out (3 warns) Limbaj vulgar
02.02.2016 21:36 N/A El Loco Cartel Received FactionWarn Limbaj vulgar
02.02.2016 21:35 N/A El Loco Cartel Received FactionWarn Limbaj vulgar
20.01.2016 19:47 N/A El Loco Cartel Received a FW clear Baiat bun
17.01.2016 17:07 N/A El Loco Cartel Got rank 2 Felicitari
19.12.2015 14:40 N/A El Loco Cartel Received FactionWarn Reclamatie
15.12.2015 21:18 N/A El Loco Cartel Joined the faction None
15.12.2015 17:54 N/A Paramedics Left the faction Demisie Bafta !
07.12.2015 22:52 N/A Paramedics Got rank 3 Merita !
19.11.2015 21:24 N/A Paramedics Got rank 2 Merita.
10.11.2015 16:43 N/A Paramedics Received a FW clear Nu a mai gresit
03.11.2015 15:24 N/A Paramedics Received a FW clear Merita, nu a mai gresit.
18.10.2015 20:39 N/A Paramedics Received FactionWarn Neprezentare la activitate.