Faction logs
Date Leader Faction Action Reason
08.07.2017 10:08 Vietnamese Boys Joined the faction None
16.06.2017 10:28 SF Taxi Was kicked out (with FP) Comportament.
08.06.2017 21:24 SF Taxi Joined the faction None
06.05.2017 19:34 N/A Green Street Bloods Was kicked out (with FP) Inactive and Banned
22.04.2017 11:51 Green Street Bloods Joined the faction None
06.04.2017 22:02 69 Pier Mobs Was kicked out (3 warns) P?r?sire turf.
05.04.2017 22:55 69 Pier Mobs Received FactionWarn P?r?sire turf.
05.04.2017 21:34 69 Pier Mobs Received FactionWarn P?r?sire turf.
01.04.2017 21:58 69 Pier Mobs Got rank 6 Felicitari! #24 TURFS
01.04.2017 21:57 69 Pier Mobs Joined the faction None
30.03.2017 19:59 Vietnamese Boys Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
30.03.2017 19:54 Vietnamese Boys Received FactionWarn Reclamatie RPG #20126
12.03.2017 22:07 Vietnamese Boys Joined the faction None
09.03.2017 16:20 Southern Pimps Was kicked out (with FP) P?r?sire turf.
05.03.2017 23:28 Southern Pimps Received FactionWarn DM.