Faction logs
Date Leader Faction Action Reason
23.07.2016 15:25 SF Taxi Received a FW clear Comportament revizuit, merit
17.07.2016 23:34 SF Taxi Received a FW clear Comportament revizuit, merita
01.07.2016 23:39 SF Taxi Received FactionWarn Absent la activitate
19.06.2016 17:31 SF Taxi Received FactionWarn Reclamatie website rpg
01.06.2016 22:37 SF Taxi Joined the faction None
02.09.2014 15:26 N/A Tow Truck Company Left the faction None
01.09.2014 10:45 N/A Tow Truck Company Received FactionWarn None
01.09.2014 10:45 N/A Tow Truck Company Received FactionWarn None
25.07.2014 11:47 N/A Tow Truck Company Got rank 3 None
10.07.2014 15:40 N/A Tow Truck Company Got rank 2 None
25.06.2014 14:26 N/A Tow Truck Company Joined the faction None
25.02.2014 22:49 N/A News Reporters Was kicked out (3 warns) None
23.02.2014 21:43 N/A News Reporters Received FactionWarn None
16.02.2014 21:46 N/A News Reporters Received FactionWarn None
07.02.2014 22:39 N/A News Reporters Joined the faction None