Clan logs
Date Owner Clan Action
04.03.2021 23:26 rpg2_SpartaN. 1337 Promoted to clan owner
04.03.2021 18:17 rpg2_SpartaN. 1337 Promoted to clan owner
01.03.2021 20:09 rpg2_SpartaN. 1337 Promoted to clan owner
01.03.2021 18:17 rpg2_SpartaN. 1337 Promoted to clan owner
27.02.2021 17:03 rpg2_SpartaN. 1337 Promoted to clan owner
26.02.2021 20:03 rpg2_SpartaN. 1337 Promoted to clan owner
25.02.2021 12:43 rpg2_SpartaN. 1337 Promoted to clan owner
17.02.2021 10:46 rpg2_SpartaN. 1337 Promoted to clan owner
14.02.2021 20:09 AdmBot 1337 Promoted to clan owner
14.02.2021 20:09 AdmBot 1337 Promoted to clan owner
14.02.2021 20:02 AdmBot 1337 Promoted to clan owner
14.02.2021 19:56 rpg2_SpartaN. 1337 Promoted to clan owner
06.02.2021 01:35 AdmBot 1337 Promoted to clan owner
04.02.2021 00:06 AdmBot 1337 Promoted to clan owner
03.02.2021 22:58 HaSaKy 1337 Promoted to clan owner