Clan logs
Date Owner Clan Action
08.09.2020 14:09 [iK]Rustom Independent Kings Got rank 5
08.09.2020 09:39 Udit Independent Kings Joined the clan
08.09.2020 08:46 [iK]Rustom Independent Kings Left the clan
16.07.2020 16:02 [iK]Rustom Independent Kings Received a CW clear
16.07.2020 16:01 [iK]Rustom Independent Kings Received a CW clear
15.07.2020 10:03 [iK]Rustom Independent Kings Received ClanWarn
15.07.2020 10:02 [iK]Rustom Independent Kings Received ClanWarn
12.07.2020 07:19 [iK]Rustom Independent Kings Received a CW clear
05.07.2020 08:32 [iK]Rustom Independent Kings Received ClanWarn
04.07.2020 06:55 [iK]Rustom Independent Kings Received a CW clear
04.07.2020 06:55 [iK]Rustom Independent Kings Received a CW clear
04.07.2020 06:55 [iK]Rustom Independent Kings Received ClanWarn
04.07.2020 06:55 [iK]Rustom Independent Kings Received ClanWarn
17.06.2020 13:16 [iK]Rustom Independent Kings Received a CW clear
17.06.2020 13:16 [iK]Rustom Independent Kings Received ClanWarn