Clan logs
Date Owner Clan Action
12.05.2021 20:37 AloneKiNG test Left the clan
12.05.2021 20:31 AloneKiNG test Received ClanWarn
12.05.2021 20:28 AloneKiNG test Received ClanWarn
09.05.2021 00:59 [test]Akki test Got rank 2
02.05.2021 20:38 AloneKiNG test Joined the clan
28.03.2021 12:43 rikos test Left the clan
28.03.2021 12:42 rikos test Received ClanWarn
11.03.2021 19:10 MR.X test Got rank 4
17.02.2021 17:24 MR.X test Got rank 3
04.02.2021 19:01 MR.X test Got rank 2
29.01.2021 20:56 deejay_iceman test Received a CW clear
29.01.2021 20:16 deejay_iceman test Received ClanWarn
26.01.2021 23:29 Vanity.Yasikov test Received ClanWarn
26.01.2021 21:15 Bourbon test Got rank 1
26.01.2021 20:34 Bourbon test Got rank 5