Latest clan applications
Date Clan Status View
22.08.2017 17:26 AIM Acceptat / Accepted View
Latest Clan logs
Date Owner Clan Action
21.08.2019 15:30 AdmBot United Victory Left the clan
12.07.2019 23:58 AdmBot United Victory Got rank 3
24.06.2019 15:29 AdmBot United Victory Got rank 2
04.06.2019 19:34 AdmBot United Victory Joined the clan
30.06.2018 22:50 AdmBot AIM Left the clan
03.06.2018 21:53 AdmBot AIM Got rank 3
20.05.2018 10:05 AdmBot AIM Joined the clan
04.09.2017 00:31 AdmBot AIM Left the clan
25.08.2017 14:52 AdmBot AIM Got rank 4
25.08.2017 14:51 AdmBot AIM Joined the clan