Latest clan applications
Date Clan Status View
Latest Clan logs
Date Owner Clan Action
20.06.2016 22:19 AdmBot AIM Left the clan
12.06.2016 03:48 AdmBot AIM Joined the clan
12.06.2016 03:48 AdmBot AIM Was kicked out (3 warns)
12.06.2016 03:48 AdmBot AIM Received ClanWarn
12.06.2016 03:48 AdmBot AIM Received ClanWarn
12.06.2016 03:36 AdmBot AIM Joined the clan
12.06.2016 03:18 AdmBot AIM Left the clan
09.06.2016 14:23 AdmBot AIM Joined the clan
09.04.2016 13:48 AdmBot AIM Left the clan
08.04.2016 20:12 AdmBot AIM Joined the clan