Faction logs
Date Leader Faction Action Reason
30.01.2017 21:06 LSPD Was kicked out (3 warns) Banned
30.01.2017 21:06 LSPD Received FactionWarn Banned
30.01.2017 21:06 LSPD Received FactionWarn Banned
21.01.2017 21:40 LSPD Got rank 2 Felicitari! ##GG
08.01.2017 22:46 LSPD Received a FW clear Indeplinirea conditiilor
24.12.2016 23:09 LSPD Received FactionWarn Reclamatie website.
22.12.2016 17:26 LSPD Joined the faction None
06.12.2016 14:23 The Tsar Bratva Was kicked out (3 warns) Inactivitate neanuntata
06.12.2016 14:23 The Tsar Bratva Received FactionWarn Inactivitate neanuntata
06.12.2016 14:22 The Tsar Bratva Received FactionWarn Inactivitate neanuntata
03.12.2016 16:37 The Tsar Bratva Got rank 2 Aleg alt sublider.
16.11.2016 22:06 The Tsar Bratva Got rank 6 #Salve #Eric
15.11.2016 17:16 The Tsar Bratva Joined the faction None
02.09.2016 16:59 LVPD Was kicked out (3 warns) Reclamatie RPG #14706.
02.09.2016 16:59 LVPD Received FactionWarn Reclamatie RPG #14706.