Faction logs
Date Leader Faction Action Reason
20.04.2019 20:49 The Tsar Bratva Was kicked out (3 warns) Neplata amenda in 24h.
20.04.2019 19:54 The Tsar Bratva Received FactionWarn Acumulare 2/2 AV.
15.04.2019 21:55 The Tsar Bratva Received FactionWarn Neascultare lider.
12.04.2019 19:44 The Tsar Bratva Joined the faction None
16.02.2019 16:28 Southern Pimps Was kicked out (3 warns) Banat#Bafta
16.02.2019 16:28 Southern Pimps Received FactionWarn Banat
16.02.2019 16:27 Southern Pimps Received FactionWarn Banat
12.02.2019 23:23 Southern Pimps Joined the faction None
25.01.2019 18:20 LSPD Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
20.01.2019 17:52 LSPD Received FactionWarn Reclamatie [18693].
19.01.2019 10:59 LSPD Received FactionWarn Reclamatie [18708].
12.01.2019 09:50 LSPD Got rank 3 Seriozitate&Activitate.
05.01.2019 21:14 LSPD Received a FW clear Indeplinire Cerinte.
13.12.2018 08:37 LSPD Received FactionWarn Reclamatie PM.
07.12.2018 21:00 LSPD Got rank 2 Felicit?ri, detective!