Faction logs
Date Leader Faction Action Reason
24.08.2019 07:05 LV School Instructors Left the faction Fusion Resignation
23.08.2019 10:57 LV School Instructors Joined the faction None
23.08.2019 10:56 LV School Instructors Resigned from leader fuziune
05.09.2018 17:03 LV School Instructors Got leader None
05.09.2018 17:03 LV School Instructors Left the faction Promovat lider LVSI.
13.07.2018 23:12 LV School Instructors Got rank 6 Felicitari! #r6
13.07.2018 23:11 LV School Instructors Got rank 3 Felicitari! #r3
29.06.2018 22:44 LV School Instructors Got rank 2
15.06.2018 22:38 LV School Instructors Joined the faction None
18.08.2017 21:26 SFPD Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
15.08.2017 08:32 SFPD Received a FW clear Expirat.
24.07.2017 14:45 SFPD Received FactionWarn Raport incomplet.
04.07.2017 22:23 SFPD Got rank 3 Indeplinire cerinte.
13.06.2017 22:08 SFPD Got rank 2 Indeplinire cerinte.
30.05.2017 18:45 SFPD Joined the faction None