Faction logs
Date Leader Faction Action Reason
08.07.2019 22:42 69 Pier Mobs Was kicked out (3 warns) Absent wars 08.07 - legend
04.07.2019 22:30 69 Pier Mobs Received FactionWarn Absent wars 04.07
29.06.2019 12:26 69 Pier Mobs Received FactionWarn Absent war 28.06
15.06.2019 14:14 69 Pier Mobs Got rank 2 Thx for your help, Denys
25.05.2019 15:43 69 Pier Mobs Got rank 6 New Regional Officer
21.05.2019 12:41 69 Pier Mobs Joined the faction None
28.02.2019 18:49 Tow Truck Company Was kicked out (3 warns) Fraudare raport
28.02.2019 18:49 Tow Truck Company Received FactionWarn Fraudare raport
28.02.2019 18:49 Tow Truck Company Received FactionWarn Fraudare raport
10.02.2019 21:24 Tow Truck Company Got rank 2 Seriozitate si activitate
25.01.2019 12:30 Tow Truck Company Joined the faction None
04.07.2016 16:02 Vietnamese Boys Was kicked out (3 warns) Absenta wars 04.07.2016
09.06.2016 20:40 Vietnamese Boys Received FactionWarn Absenta wars 08.06.2016
07.06.2016 09:57 Vietnamese Boys Received FactionWarn Absenta war 06.06.2016
25.04.2016 12:03 N/A Vietnamese Boys Got rank 3 Activitate+merit