Faction logs
Date Leader Faction Action Reason
25.06.2018 17:40 LSPD Was kicked out (3 warns) Banned
25.06.2018 17:39 LSPD Received FactionWarn Banned
25.06.2018 17:38 LSPD Received FactionWarn Banned
25.06.2018 11:54 LSPD Got rank 3 Seriozitate, felicit?ri.
01.06.2018 23:25 LSPD Got rank 2 Felicitari
12.05.2018 13:11 LSPD Joined the faction None
11.05.2018 22:32 SF Taxi Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
02.05.2018 17:12 SF Taxi Got rank 5 Devotament
01.04.2018 11:48 SF Taxi Got rank 4 Seriozitate
07.03.2018 17:50 SF Taxi Got rank 3 Comportament adecvat
20.02.2018 17:39 SF Taxi Got rank 2 Comportament adecvat
05.02.2018 18:10 SF Taxi Joined the faction None