Faction logs
Date Leader Faction Action Reason
22.02.2020 19:34 News Reporters Left the faction Promovat Admin Nivel 4
31.01.2020 16:30 N/A News Reporters Received a FW clear Automatic Removal
26.01.2020 19:52 News Reporters Got rank 5 Felicitari, membru de baza!
10.01.2020 15:49 News Reporters Received FactionWarn Anunt RP incorect
29.12.2019 14:59 N/A News Reporters Received a FW clear Automatic Removal
06.12.2019 16:58 News Reporters Received FactionWarn Dovezi insuficiente emisiune.
29.11.2019 18:11 News Reporters Got rank 4 Felicitari, activule!
02.11.2019 20:18 News Reporters Got rank 3 Merita, felicitari
18.10.2019 13:17 News Reporters Got rank 2 Felicitari, merita!
02.10.2019 20:09 News Reporters Joined the faction None
01.10.2019 18:16 Tow Truck Company Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
22.06.2019 20:46 Tow Truck Company Got rank 5 #Felicitari#Noul#Manager#R5
23.05.2019 08:41 Tow Truck Company Got rank 4 #Felicitari#Noul#Supervisor#R4
01.05.2019 23:52 Tow Truck Company Got rank 3 #Felicitari #GG
17.04.2019 18:40 Tow Truck Company Got rank 2 #Felicitari #GgG