Faction logs
Date Leader Faction Action Reason
08.10.2017 15:19 News Reporters Was kicked out (3 warns) [/news] aiurea.
07.10.2017 21:31 News Reporters Received FactionWarn Raport incomplet (25-01 sep/oct)
27.09.2017 00:16 News Reporters Received FactionWarn Nepostare eviden?? pachet
26.09.2017 21:00 News Reporters Got rank 2 Felicitari
13.09.2017 22:36 News Reporters Received a FW clear Seriozitate
30.08.2017 20:04 News Reporters Received FactionWarn [/news] aiurea.
29.08.2017 13:26 News Reporters Joined the faction None
21.08.2017 14:33 SF Taxi Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
04.08.2017 10:28 SF Taxi Joined the faction None