Faction logs
Date Leader Faction Action Reason
07.02.2023 23:37 The Tsar Bratva Was kicked out (3 warns) Evidenta 07/02/2023
07.02.2023 20:55 The Tsar Bratva Received FactionWarn Absent wars 06.02.2023
27.01.2023 19:33 The Tsar Bratva Received FactionWarn Jignire coleg pe /f - Recl. PM
20.01.2023 18:36 The Tsar Bratva Joined the faction None
23.08.2022 22:36 Red Dragon Triad Was kicked out (3 warns) Absent wars 23:08:2022
22.08.2022 17:46 Red Dragon Triad Received FactionWarn Absent wars 22:08:2022
17.08.2022 22:36 Red Dragon Triad Received FactionWarn Absent wars 17:08:2022
15.08.2022 21:41 Red Dragon Triad Joined the faction None
05.02.2020 21:17 Red Dragon Triad Was kicked out (with FP) Banat pentru coduri.
31.01.2020 22:27 Red Dragon Triad Received FactionWarn Acumulare a2 AV-uri.
23.01.2020 18:48 Red Dragon Triad Joined the faction None