- arrow_drop_down
- arrow_drop_down
- arrow_drop_down
- arrow_drop_down
- arrow_drop_down
- arrow_drop_down
Clan logs
Date | Owner | Clan | Action |
21.08.2021 11:17 | D4NiEL | Elite Boys | Left the clan |
20.08.2021 20:04 | NarcisZEW.asi | Elite Boys | Joined the clan |
18.05.2021 21:27 | rpg2_Gaby.RupTopurile | 1337 | Left the clan |
18.05.2021 21:04 | rpg2_JamesBond. | 1337 | Joined the clan |
02.04.2021 20:20 | rpg2_EveLyN. | 1337 | Left the clan |
02.04.2021 18:56 | rpg2_Traficantul | 1337 | Joined the clan |
07.02.2021 17:26 | rpg2_Gaby.RupTopurile | 1337 | Left the clan |
07.02.2021 16:13 | rpg2_Diecast.. | 1337 | Joined the clan |