
Vietnamese Boys
Date Leader Player Action Reason
04.01.2023 16:29 $NOT Got rank 2 Felicitari!
03.01.2023 23:25 rpg2_lbrahimovic Got rank 6 Noul Sublider Vietnamese Boys!
03.01.2023 23:20 rpg2_SoferPeTurf Received a FW clear Comportament exemplar.
03.01.2023 23:20 Cipy. Received a FW clear Comportament exemplar.
03.01.2023 23:20 gRytoSIUUU Received a FW clear Reglare comportamentala.
03.01.2023 23:19 DindyKKK Received a FW clear Reglare comportamentala.
03.01.2023 23:17 BaNNNu Got rank 4 Renuntare, misiune terminata.
03.01.2023 22:03 zky Got rank 2 Felicit?ri
01.01.2023 05:25 DindyKKK Got rank 2 Felicit?ri!
31.12.2022 19:56 DonRider. Joined the faction None
31.12.2022 16:37 .Ionut Joined the faction None
31.12.2022 16:31 DYZEMEiSTER Joined the faction None
31.12.2022 16:21 Emerick.Jr Joined the faction None
31.12.2022 15:32 6BILEINCARICEPS Failed the test None
31.12.2022 02:23 dj.londo.ctw Got rank 6 Congrats, my right hand!