
Vietnamese Boys
Date Leader Player Action Reason
24.04.2023 17:28 .SyT. Joined the faction None
24.04.2023 17:21 dRU. Joined the faction None
24.04.2023 15:31 SABALENKA Was kicked out (with FP) Banat.
24.04.2023 15:12 gRytoSIUUU Received a FW clear Sanctiune expirata
24.04.2023 15:11 SiuuFiuLuDarK4MooN Received a FW clear Sanctiune expirata
24.04.2023 15:11 SiuuFiuLuDarK4MooN Received a FW clear Sanctiune expirata
24.04.2023 15:02 rpg2_Mitru.Siuuuuu Got rank 4 Felicitari!
24.04.2023 15:02 rpg2_PhaxSilentWannabe Got rank 3 Felicitari, meriti din plin!
24.04.2023 14:54 Bulaie Joined the faction None
24.04.2023 14:18 Silviu. Joined the faction None
24.04.2023 01:17 BaNNNu Got rank 6 Revenire in functie!
24.04.2023 01:17 BaNNNu Joined the faction None
24.04.2023 01:17 AMAYON Got rank 5 Treaba terminata (48 turfs)
24.04.2023 00:55 AQIRYSIUUU Was kicked out (with FP) Banned
23.04.2023 23:58 Emerick.Jr Left the faction Demisie / Resignation