
Vietnamese Boys
Date Leader Player Action Reason
17.10.2021 00:31 rpg2_MihaiOwn. Joined the faction None
15.10.2021 22:34 SIUUUUU2GLORY Received FactionWarn Absent 2/2 War (15.10)
15.10.2021 22:34 Juvelinho Received FactionWarn Absent 2/2 War (15.10)
15.10.2021 22:33 DonRikki Received FactionWarn Absent 2/2 war (15.10)
15.10.2021 18:35 rpg2_PCM Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
15.10.2021 18:13 pacst Got rank 2 Activitate & seriozitate.
15.10.2021 18:12 Adevaratu Got rank 2 Activitate & seriozitate.
15.10.2021 02:18 DonRikki Received FactionWarn Neplat
14.10.2021 20:27 N/A Hosico Was kicked out (with FP) Inactive and Banned
14.10.2021 19:54 rpg2_Kalamar.OUGHEE Failed the test None
14.10.2021 19:04 inS Got rank 3 Felicitari,activ.
14.10.2021 18:50 .Madalina Joined the faction None
13.10.2021 22:07 rpg2_KARA.DINOCO Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
13.10.2021 21:19 MoLLo. Was kicked out (with FP) Banat pentru coduri.
13.10.2021 18:15 Printu.beleaua Joined the faction None