
Vietnamese Boys
Date Leader Player Action Reason
26.10.2021 13:46 rpg2_TRU Joined the faction None
26.10.2021 13:43 SIUUUUU2GLORY Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
26.10.2021 13:31 rpg2_SavantulZ3n Was kicked out (with FP) Limbaj.
25.10.2021 19:14 rpg2_iReflex.asi Failed the test None
25.10.2021 16:17 [AIM]5crappY. Got rank 4 Om de baza, felicitari!
25.10.2021 14:29 ov1delius Joined the faction None
25.10.2021 00:19 rpg2_REMEMBER.Vali Was kicked out (with FP) Interdictie.
24.10.2021 23:33 rpg2_REMEMBER.Vali Joined the faction None
24.10.2021 22:36 iSwitcH.04 Got rank 3 Activitate/Seriozitate
24.10.2021 21:43 AlexDinica Joined the faction None
24.10.2021 21:27 102.KiaStyIe Failed the test None
24.10.2021 21:16 [FBD]ToniK Failed the test None
24.10.2021 21:10 23SHELBY04 Joined the faction None
24.10.2021 20:56 FerUK Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
24.10.2021 20:43 Duffy Failed the test None