
Vietnamese Boys
Date Leader Player Action Reason
05.11.2021 19:17 rpg2_Siuuu.Switch Failed the test None
05.11.2021 18:04 pacst Got rank 3 Activitate & seriozitate.
05.11.2021 17:52 TianMuscDinVTB Joined the faction None
05.11.2021 12:56 [Rolly] Joined the faction None
04.11.2021 16:54 TianDauPtMifu Was kicked out (with FP) Banat cheats(aimbot)
04.11.2021 06:12 rpg2_.Legendary Got rank 6 New WarMachine
03.11.2021 23:26 rpg2_.Bubu99 Joined the faction None
03.11.2021 22:54 Rebu Failed the test None
03.11.2021 18:43 TianDauPtMifu Received FactionWarn Reclamatie RPG.
03.11.2021 18:40 TianDauPtMifu Received FactionWarn Reclamatie RPG.
03.11.2021 02:01 iSwitcH.04 Left the faction interdictie - banat cheats
02.11.2021 22:27 rpg2_.AXG Received FactionWarn Evidenta Wars 02/11/2021
02.11.2021 22:27 rpg2_TRU Was kicked out (3 warns) Evidenta Wars 02/11/2021
02.11.2021 21:54 rpg2_.Legendary Joined the faction None
02.11.2021 18:48 rpg2_kRIXN.AUTOSHOT Joined the faction None