
Vietnamese Boys
Date Leader Player Action Reason
09.06.2022 21:06 N/A DonMario Was kicked out (with FP) Inactive and Banned
09.06.2022 21:06 N/A .Celentano. Was kicked out (with FP) Inactive and Banned
08.06.2022 22:19 hardz3r. Received FactionWarn Absent 2/2 wars 08.06.2022
08.06.2022 22:19 xInegalabilul Received FactionWarn Absent 2/2 wars 08.06.2022
08.06.2022 21:43 rpg2_FanMbappe Joined the faction None
08.06.2022 19:47 xInegalabilul Got rank 2 Felicitari!
08.06.2022 16:04 Ramstonica Joined the faction None
08.06.2022 15:52 Sf.Andrei Joined the faction None
08.06.2022 02:43 VALERAS Joined the faction None
08.06.2022 00:01 esdeath Received a FW clear Sanctiune expirata!
07.06.2022 21:24 SperSaIauBacu Received FactionWarn Absent 2/2 wars 07.06.2022
07.06.2022 17:28 MadalynN Was kicked out (with FP) Banat
07.06.2022 17:12 Agares.DEADHAZE Joined the faction None
07.06.2022 10:22 Medeleni Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
06.06.2022 23:36 rpg2_COCAINEWITHB1TCHES Was kicked out (3 warns) Acumulare 2 AV