
Vietnamese Boys
Date Leader Player Action Reason
15.09.2022 22:42 STC Got rank 4 Felicitari, om de baza!
15.09.2022 22:41 KARATISTU.M6 Got rank 3 Activ si Serios, Felicitari!
15.09.2022 00:34 CrsUK Got rank 2 Felicitari, esti un exemplu!
14.09.2022 19:49 SiuuFiuLuDarK4MooN Joined the faction None
13.09.2022 23:35 .AndreiM Joined the faction None
13.09.2022 23:35 Unstuck. Joined the faction None
13.09.2022 23:34 Anthony Joined the faction None
13.09.2022 23:24 Dicky Was kicked out (with FP) Banat pentru coduri
13.09.2022 22:11 PlayBoyCarti Was kicked out (with FP) Limbaj grav pe /f
13.09.2022 20:31 N/A VENOM Was kicked out (with FP) Inactive and Banned
13.09.2022 19:09 rpg2_Mitru.Siuuuuu Joined the faction None
13.09.2022 19:09 RianSOFER Failed the test None
13.09.2022 14:32 rpg2_Lycezaur Joined the faction None
13.09.2022 08:35 AMAYON Was kicked out (with FP) Interdic?ie War-uri
12.09.2022 22:02 RedoX520d Left the faction Demisie / Resignation