
Tow Truck Company
Date Leader Player Action Reason
05.04.2023 22:56 rpg2_Dany.Faraon1 Got rank 2 Felicitari!
05.04.2023 17:33 MATR3X Got rank 2 Felicitari!
05.04.2023 17:33 Luce. Got rank 2 Felicitari!
05.04.2023 15:39 GEOV2.5TSA Was kicked out (with FP) Reclamatie website
05.04.2023 13:37 Poker Got rank 2 Felicitari!
05.04.2023 10:58 mx.fighter Got rank 5 Felicitari!
05.04.2023 10:57 Cosminescu Got rank 3 Felicitari!
05.04.2023 10:44 Hooden Joined the faction None
05.04.2023 10:44 G.Sorin01 Joined the faction None
05.04.2023 10:44 LucK. Joined the faction None
05.04.2023 10:44 Slow_ Joined the faction None
05.04.2023 08:54 N/A dZZ. Received a FW clear Automatic Removal
03.04.2023 22:29 D4v1d.02k Failed the test None
02.04.2023 19:54 Shaolin Failed the test None
02.04.2023 18:53 rpg2_Florinache Got rank 4 Felicitari, Supervisorule!