
Tow Truck Company
Date Leader Player Action Reason
03.10.2022 21:24 Khalid Joined the faction None
03.10.2022 20:33 MoNn_TwisT Failed the test None
02.10.2022 22:53 nick.exe Failed the test None
02.10.2022 20:38 mR.zEw Received a FW clear Sanctiune expirata!
02.10.2022 11:03 Rayleigh Was kicked out (3 warns) Vulgar language
02.10.2022 11:03 Rayleigh Received FactionWarn Vulgar language
02.10.2022 11:02 Rayleigh Received FactionWarn Vulgar language
01.10.2022 23:43 rpg2_RoTT Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
01.10.2022 23:43 rpg2_RoTT Got rank 2 Felicitari !
01.10.2022 20:40 Twain.SIUUUUUU Failed the test None
01.10.2022 14:45 doddutz Got rank 2 Activ si serios
01.10.2022 14:45 Sergiu94 Got rank 2 Activ si serios
01.10.2022 14:45 thomas2good Got rank 2 Activ si serios
01.10.2022 14:45 Denyel Got rank 2 Activ si serios
01.10.2022 14:44 [AIM]PAUL.COMUNISTUL Got rank 2 Activ si serios